The Lovers and Leaders , founded by Yasmine Orth, have been co-creating a special program for you on their own stage for the 4th time since 2018. Yasmine hosts and moderates these two weekends with her co-creators Felix Falkenhahn and Tanja Kaempffer-Kowalewski. On both weekends, the floor will be transformed into a “Co-Creation Lab(oratory)”, a laboratory where everyone is invited to playfully explore, experience, recognize and receive together what we want to do now and in the future our well-being, that of humanity and the planet, and above all are willing to contribute! The future starts HERE and NOW! Let's start & play!

Photo Credit: Grit Siwonia

Feminine & Masculine (Self-) Leadership Journeys
The Feminine & Masculine Flow and uniting those Energies within each of us.

Hosts: Yasmine Orth & Felix Falkenhahn

Friday afternoon is for you to arrive. We support you to meet yourself consciously and mindfully, and to track down needs, topics and intentions! In addition, you can expect valuable knowledge for our immune system via biohacks, breathing and the experience of ice bathing.

The focus on Saturday and Sunday lies here on the experience of feminine and masculine qualities and their different modes of action/effects. They exist in all people, are equally important and can be complemented and lived in balance regardless of gender – like Yin & Yang.

People are marvels of diversity. Each of us has had many different experiences throughout life. We would like to embark on a research trip to get to know and appreciate this diversity and different qualities in each of us and, above all, to experience it together.

The potential of integration:
Polarity as a fundamental principle in a multipolar world enables an infinite, individual variety of experiences in being human, queer, woman and man. By experiencing the peculiarity of feminine and masculine qualities beyond gender attributions and uniting their polarity in complementary interplay, they can become an infinite source of connection, inspiration and vitality.

Intention: With our program we would like to support you in establishing this deep relationship with yourself and in self-responsibility (self-leadership) to integrate the qualities that we would like to balance in ourselves.
We see this as one of the key elements and as the basis for healthy relationships with other people and with the whole collective, in order to actively stand up for the natural diversity and humanity in the interests of all and for peace on earth and to help shape it positively.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the respective fields of energy and knowledge, all workshops are for all people, except for a few specific ones, which are also marked as such.

The journey from yourself to a regenerative culture and an interrelated sustainable planet.

Hosts: Yasmine Orth & Tanja Kaempffer-Kowalewski

Friday afternoon is for you to arrive. We support you to meet yourself consciously and mindfully, and to track down needs, topics and intentions! In addition, you can expect valuable knowledge for our immune system via biohacks, breathing and the experience of ice bathing.

On Saturday and Sunday you train and cultivate aspects that refine your own perception and invite you into friends and lightness to become consciously active in the HERE and NOW through a diverse range of workshops.

We explore our “inner climate”, how our body consciousness is related to the planetary consciousness, how we manage the shift from self-leadership to co-leadership, why more own mindfulness is absolutely necessary for a sustainable future, the potential of WE (not only ) in education and learn what farming & permaculture have to do with self-love and self-responsibility.

Real sustainability starts with ourselves – from the inside out!

On both weekends, the main thing is to immerse yourself in the force field of real encounters and community after this intensive time – physically and spiritually and thereby increase your energy level!

We open up a space of self-reflection and experience for you to create a basis for the changes we desire in and through ourselves. This is exactly what our articles provide knowledge and tools for. It’s about the important and valuable reminder of who we really are and the power of the possibilities within us. We would like to support you in bringing these qualities and aspects into being and bringing them into harmony and in taking responsibility for your life and your ability to shape things – on a small and large scale. Authentic living results in authentic action for a future worth living in.

THE LOVERS, founded as an organization and community by Yasmine Orth, is currently transforming itself into THE LOVERS & LEADERS, as Yasmine has been calling her space in Berlin-Mitte since 2020, which has since functioned as an ideal team and event space thanks to its focus on mindfulness and sustainability.

THE LOVERS (until 2014 the network was called “Goerlzclub”) has been creating experimental, research and meeting spaces for shared experiences and for the Anticipating, anticipating and exemplifying a new society in which we live more in harmony with ourselves, with our environment and the planet.

The Lovers and Leaders

Festival #1 Healing Artists & Fascilitators

Felix Falkenhahn

Embodiment Workshops

Tanja Kaempffer-Kowalewski

„Achtsamkeit aus vollem Herzen“

Sukkhadas Auer

Talk & Breathwork + Icebathing

Miriam Stark

Talk & Workshop

Michael Stewart

Drumsession & Shantavira Yoga

Paula-Maria Stewart

Embodied Voice | YES - Workshop

Nic Warner

Men Circle & Talk

Iva Samina

“The Pelvic Path: Cultivating Feminine Leadership”

Festival #2 Healing Artists & Fascilitators

Tanja Kaempffer-Kowalewski

„Achtsamkeit aus vollem Herzen“

Felix Falkenhahn

Embodiment Workshops

Mounira Latrache

Licht auf deine Schatten werfen

Margret Rasfeld

Vortrag & Interview

Adam Rice

Yoga Practice

Stine Lethan

"Wild at Heart" Yoga Embodiment

Sandra Gerhard

Practice Yoga

Prof. Isabel Dziobek

"Scientific Facts Breathwork"

Nadine Michelberger

Meditation & Interview

Sukkhadas Auer

Talk & Breathwork + Icebathing

Jona Christens

Impuls + Interview


Dance Ritual Prayer

Nadine Michelberger

Meditation & Interview

Sukkhadas Auer

Talk & Breathwork + Icebathing


(neben dem Floor, bitte in die Listen eintragen)

Das The Lovers & Leaders Empowerment Coaching knüpft unmittelbar an die Intention des Floors sowie die Self Experience Session zum Ankommen an und versteht Dich als Ausgangspunkt & Grundlage für die Veränderungen & Sehnsüchte die Dich bewegen und die Du kraft “Deiner eigenen Substanz” für Dich und die Welt bewirken kannst. Je bewusster Du in Verbindung mit Dir bist, desto spürbarer die Wirkung im Innen & Außen.

Tanja Kaempffer-Kowalewski

„Achtsamkeit aus vollem Herzen“

Dunja Wachtel

Reiki & Klangschalenmassage

Katharina Hauck

The Lovers & Leaders