
Would you like to support the Yoga United Festival as a cooperation or sponsoring partner?

Every year we have a large number of partnerships with different companies. From yoga studios to sustainable cosmetics businesses to health insurance companies. We are grateful for the great collaborations and partnerships that come about every year. So if you as a company would like to have a presence at our festival, then get in touch with us.

Floor Partners

Our Health Partner

All participants of the Yoga United Weekend with AOK Nordost insurance have the option of having €50.00 of the entrance fee reimbursed via the AOK health account. You can get more information about this on site at the AOK stall!

In principle, all participants of the Yoga United Weekend who are insured with the AOK Nordost can have max. €50.00 (no more expensive than the ticket itself, of course) reimbursed via the AOK health account. Billing is done using the “Entry fee for sporting events in cooperation with AOK Nordost” module.

o Link to health account:

The payment of the €50.00 will be made to your account as a refund after the event. You can easily submit the documents online via our online portal “Meine AOK” .

o Link to “My AOK”:

Your festival ticket and your personal confirmation of participation.

o You will receive the confirmation of participation from us at the AOK Nordost stall directly at the festival.

Our Partner-Studios

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