
Anna Guinta

Kirtan & Sing Circle

My name is Anna a vibrant and loving human soul on a mission to spark transformation, raise vibrations, and ignite motivation to live a harmonious and fulfillingheart-based life.


My commitment revolves around nurturing a community grounded in genuine connections,
uplifting others, embracing universal love, and serving humanity, all while remembering to have

faith in the divine spirit of all. I share my gifts through the art of singing and
dancing, imparting the wisdom of Yoga, leading kirtan sessions, guiding breathwork practices, exploring somatic dance movement,

and orchestrating transformative rituals, retreats, and cacao ceremonies. Additionally, I’m a holistic health coach and conscious cook, contributing to the holistic nourishment of mind, body, and soul.

KIRTAN & SING CIRCLE with Anna Flawsome & Sarah Creations

Kirtan & Sing Circle with the soulful presence and guidance of Anna Flawsome and Sarah Creations. Immerse yourself in the sacred practice of devotional singing.

In this intimate circle, we will come together to explore the devotional practice of Kirtan - a beautiful, melodic prayer that transcends language and resonates directly with the divine essence within each of us.

Anna and Sarah, will lead us through a heartfelt journey of music and devotion.
Devotees and beginners alike are invited to participate in the Sing Circle, creating a harmonious space where voices blend in unity.

Let’s tap into the universal language of music to experience the joy of an open heart, overflowing with love frequency.

Let the vibrations of Kirtan uplift your spirit and cultivate a sense of connection to the divine source within. Join us in this celebration of love, unity, and self-discovery, as we embark on a musical exploration that goes beyond words and reaches the hearts of all.